Luke Vega
Weight: 168lbs
Hometown: Mean Streets of Coxheath
Signature Move: Thunder Stomp
Finishing Move: Victimizer (Headlock Driver)
SEPW Highlights
SEPW Champion
Won Main Roster debut at Winter Wonder War 2017
Main Evented Hustle & Heart 4 against Meathead
Vicious, Violent, Vindictive. Three worlds that describe SEPW's Luke Vega. A Selfish Undisciplined and Unpredictable thug, Vega is a loose cannon that might work with you one second, then drop you like a bad conversation the next.
Unafraid of backlash, Vega always speaks his mind with a self righteous belief in himself and his abilities. Never one to conform to the norm and with no interest in being the 'poster boy' of SEPW, Vega claims to only be interested showing the world that he can take what he wants, when he wants it, and that nobody can stop him.